#Steam obduction series
Myst is a popular series of graphical adventure games by Cyan Inc. >!This is a spoiler!< This is a spoiler FAQ Also, please hide any spoilers in your post by using the spoiler tag. If your submission contains any spoilers, please mark your post as containing spoilers (this is available after posting - example). Personal flair editing is also available in the sidebar.
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#Steam obduction mods
Mods reserve the right to remove posts that ignore this request. Please be civil and respectful to your fellow redditors. This is a pretty open subreddit, and as such, there are very few rules as to what can and cannot be submitted. From start to finish, it’s a downright joy to play, and a title I won’t soon forget.This is the subreddit for discussion and appreciation of everything Myst, Riven, Exile, Revelation, End of Ages, Uru, and more! Rules It’s also a game that intentionally misleads you, and expects you to bang your head up against a wall until you figure out the solution (or use a walkthrough, I guess.) But for me, it wound up being one of 2016’s most rewarding experiences. It’s a game that doesn’t tell you a lot about what’s going on, with the exception of the two possible climaxes. While it’s not as dramatic as pre-patch builds sound, it’s still noticeable, and a bit disappointing when the game is this beautiful to look at. Yet Obduction had some jarring framerate drops, especially when it came to particle effects and foliage. The game was reviewed on an NVIDIA 1080 Founders Edition with 64 gigs of RAM that can run practically anything at max specs with no lag. Secondly, and perhaps more major, is that this game has some performance issues. However, some people are of the disposition that FMV should’ve died with Night Trap, so it might throw some players off. This was a decision that I found charming, and I actually think character models would’ve honestly taken away some of the title’s mystique. Firstly, every character in Obduction is rendered through usage of FMV. That said, there are two very minor caveats. A stellar score that makes use of piano, strings, synthesizers, and practically the whole kitchen sink of instruments punctuates these beautiful graphics. Few games ever manage to elicit the usage of “breathtaking” from me these days, but this is definitely one of the rare instances. The texture quality is rich and detailed, the lighting effects practically photorealistic. Cyan has produced some of the most gorgeous eye candy on the gaming marketplace right now, bar none. As someone who hasn’t been impressed by most games using the Unreal Engine 4 thus far, I came away from Obduction’s worlds believing I’d truly travelled there and occupied a very real, tangible place. The arresting visuals and astonishing score play a large hand in that immersion.
For me, it was a rewarding and immersive experience that I wanted more of. For some, it might be a bit overwhelming, and bit too vague. Eventually, just navigating the world to reach your next objective becomes a puzzle in and of itself. Things like triangulating your position based on various teleportation devices, understanding the aforementioned portals, and using bits of narrative lore to make sense of your next task. Early puzzles revolve around simple tasks like pressing buttons and flipping switches, but a few hours in, you’ll find yourself doing more complicated things. While this latest endeavour doesn’t reach Myst levels of “you’ll be stuck on this puzzle for literal years,” that doesn’t mean it’s necessarily a cakewalk either. That is, if your brain isn’t worn to bits.