
The day you went away poem
The day you went away poem

But after your death, your absence has taught me to live life like there is no tomorrow. I miss you.ģ0) When you were alive your presence taught me to live life in the moment without waiting for tomorrow. I miss you ma.Ģ9) Know I know why everyone calls Heaven so beautiful – because it has my mother. I miss you.Ģ8) I would give up my own life just for the chance to meet you again, give you a hug and tell you how much I love you. I miss you.Ģ6) Mom… your death has made me realize that every single second we spent together, I wasted an opportunity to tell you how much I loved you.Ģ7) Mom… the morning has lost its light, twilight has lost its darkness, dawn has lost its mist and evening has lost its sheen – every moment of the day has become worthless without you. I miss you mom.Ģ5) For every flower that I place on your grave, I think of all those things you did to make my life as beautiful and fragrant as a bed of flowers. I miss you mom.Ģ4) Life took you away from us, too young. I miss you.Ģ3) The cure of every illness, balm of every pain, assurance of every sorrow and relief for every anguish has been taken away from me – my mom’s hugs. I miss you mom.Ģ2) I hate visiting your grave because the words on your epitaph don’t do justice to the amazing person that you were. I miss you.Ģ1) Now I know why you always asked me to be strong… because you knew that one day I would need the strength to bear your loss. I wish destiny had given this lesson to me in a different way. I miss you.ġ5) Your death was a brutal lesson to me that life is so fickle. I miss you mom.ġ4) Death has taken you to a beautiful place called Heaven, but it has made my life a living Hell. I miss you.ġ3) The pain and regret of not making the most of every single moment we spent together is worse than the pain of your death. I just didn’t believe that eventually would ever come. I miss you mom.ġ2) I knew you that cancer was going to take you way eventually. I miss you mom.ġ1) I cried endlessly when you died but I promise that I won’t tears mar the smiles that you’ve given me when you were alive. I wish that I could just undo, all the moments that made you blue. I miss you.ġ0) I wish could take back every pain and worry that I ever gave you. I miss you mom.ĩ) The beautiful memories of the times we’ve spent together make me smile, only until the moment when they eventually remind me that you’re no longer here. I miss you mom.Ĩ) Your death is killing me, day after day. But after your death, it has become a way of life for me. I miss you.ħ) Mourning was just another word in the dictionary. But now I wish I could just turn back time to be a child and hug my mom again. My heart goes out to you all.6) All my life I kept wishing to grow older so I could finally move out and do my own thing. LIFE IS SO CRAZY! I could write my feelings forever but to everyone who has lost someone very dear all we can do is hold on to what we have left and take one day at a time. That was older sister's only child and I feel for her so much as bad as it hurts me to loose him as my nephew, but for her to loose a child my heart is forever wounded by these lost that we have endured. My nephew whom was like my little brother who I loved so much he was only five years younger than me was shot and killed five weeks after we buried my mother. Autopsy shows she had blockage, but no one knew she had anything going on because she looked and acted fine. I really do not want to get to much into detail but my mother passed in her sleep very unexpectedly. sometimes I wonder if I will ever be the same, I feel so empty without my mommy. This has been and still is a very trying time for my family and I. I lost my mother and nephew within five weeks apart in 2010. They have a very hard road ahead of them and I know it has to be tearing them up inside. And if it were me I don't think that I could carry on. I feel that there pain must be unbearable. But my nephews and niece lost their mother and father. When I am down and hurting I always remember that I lost a sister. I can not image what they are going through. The reason I am here and typing is my sister and her husband had 5 children. They will be in my heart forever along with the pain that I don't think will ever go away. I was still hurting from my pops death and I lose my sister.

#The day you went away poem driver#

A drunk driver hit and killed them on Memorial Day 05-28-2012. Nine months later I lost my only sister and brother in law in a Motorcycle accident. I lost my dad last year on my birthday 08-25-65.

The day you went away poem